Specialized Dental Services

At Jenkins Dental, we go beyond general and cosmetic dentistry to offer a variety of specialized services. These services are designed to address specific dental health needs and provide comprehensive care to our patients.

Focus on Comprehensive Dental Health

We believe in addressing all aspects of dental health. Whether it's TMJ disorders, oral cancer screening, or advanced diagnostic procedures, our goal is to provide thorough and comprehensive care.

Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques

Utilizing the latest in dental technology, we ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Our advanced techniques and equipment support our commitment to providing the highest standard of dental care.

Other Dental Services.

CBCT Scanning

CBCT Scanning

Utilize the advanced CBCT Scanning technology at Jenkins Dental for precise 3D imaging. Our Coventry, CT clinic offers detailed diagnostics for accurate treatment planning.



Improve the health and appearance of your gums with Gingivectomy at Jenkins Dental. Our precise gum reshaping in Coventry, CT, treats gum disease and enhances smiles.

Intraoral Cameras

Intraoral Cameras

Intraoral Cameras at Jenkins Dental provide detailed images of your mouth, enhancing diagnostics and patient education in Coventry, CT.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Experience relaxed and anxiety-free dental visits with Nitrous Oxide sedation at Jenkins Dental. Our Coventry, CT clinic ensures a comfortable experience for all patients.

Occlusal & Sports Guards

Occlusal & Sports Guards

Ensure the safety of your teeth with custom Occlusal & Sports Guards from Jenkins Dental. Our guards in Coventry, CT, provide protection during sports and from teeth grinding.

Occlusal Adjustment

Occlusal Adjustment

Achieve a balanced bite and improved oral comfort with Occlusal Adjustment at Jenkins Dental. Our precise adjustments in Coventry, CT, alleviate jaw pain and prevent tooth wear.

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening

Protect your health with Oral Cancer Screenings at Jenkins Dental. Our screenings in Coventry, CT, play a crucial role in early detection and successful treatment.

Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling & Root Planing

Protect your gums and teeth with Scaling & Root Planing at Jenkins Dental. Our thorough deep cleaning in Coventry, CT, treats gum disease and improves oral health.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Dental fear is a hidden phobia. You, like many people, may feel too embarrassed to admit your fears and even more afraid to confront them. Oftentimes, not even your loved ones are aware of your apprehension.

TMJ & TMD Treatment

TMJ & TMD Treatment

For patients living with TMD, the symptoms can oftentimes be severe enough to interfere with their everyday actives like chewing, speaking, or yawning. A common and major component of TMD is bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching.

Looking for a new dentist?

We invite you to Jenkins Dental!